Family Small Groups Ministry
For more information about our current study, The Gospel Centered Parent, or to order the book, CLICK HERE.
Email Robin Hochgrebe if you would like to join us or if you have more questions:
An opportunity to learn how to live out your faith while building Christian community. Relationships are essential to our lives! Learn more about what we believe about living in authentic community.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25
The Benefits of Attending Small Group
Building authentic Christian community
Prayer Support
Spiritual Growth
Where does small group meet?
We meet in the homes of each of the members of the small group (Folsom and El Dorado Hills). We rotate the responsibility of hosting and leading/facilitating group discussions to keep any one person from feeling burdened. Hosting and facilitating also helps each member of the group learn how to disciple others.
How often does small group meet?
We meet twice a month; on the first and third Sunday from 5:00-7:15 pm.
5:00-6:00 pm: Dinner and Fellowship
6:00-7:00 pm: Bible Study/Discussion
7:00-7:15 pm: Prayer
Are there expectations of me?
The only expectations of you are that you arrive with a willing and open heart to learn more about your Savior and how He has called you to live your life to glorify Him.
In addition, we also share the responsibility of providing food for dinner. The host and/or hostess provide the main course while the rest of the group members bring side items, salad, and dessert. Bring your own beverage.
What is the bible study/discussion like?
Everyone in the group has an opportunity to suggest what they would like to focus on in the study based on personal interest and need.
We begin with prayer. The facilitator provides a handout to each member with a list of discussion questions based on reading what was asssigned prior to the meeting.
At other times we use a video series, which prompts questions for group discussion.
Who attends small group?
People of all walks of life attend small group. The majority of the current group consists of five families, however, singles and empty nesters also attend.
The kids range in age from 3 years to 16 years-old. While we have our devotion/discussion time the kids play with each other in a separate area. The older kids help care for the younger ones.
How many small groups do you have?
Small groups ministry takes different forms at Mount Olive.
There is a small groups ministry called, "Ladies Night Out," which meets on a monthly basis at IHOP. Click Here for more information.
There is also a "Men's Fellowship" group that meets every Saturday morning. Click Here for more information.
The small group ministry defined on this page is the only one of its kind at Mount Olive. However, we are desiring to grow in our knowledge of Christ and in number! If you are interested in initiating a small group at Mount Olive please contact Robin Hochgrebe at
What have you studied in the past?
Faith Lessons by Ray VanderLaan
Tactics for Defending Your Faith by Greg Koukel
Joining Jesus on His Mission by LMCS Pastor Greg Finke
The Book of Philippians
Who Am I and What amd I Doing Here? by Dr. Joel Biermann
War Room (movie and study guide)
The Family Project by Focus on the Family
What do the member's believe?
We believe the bible to be the inherent and inspired Word of God to His people through the work of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16). We believe that God has a plan for each of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). We believe God's will is communicated to us through His Words found in the Scriptures (1 Thes 4:3, 5:18; Romans 12:22; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Proverbs 19:21; Hebrews 13:20-21). We believe God is constant, unchanging, and faithful (Malachi 3:6; Psalm 100:5; Hebrews 13:8); therefore, we stand on the Word of God and believe it to be absolute truth...even when it is difficult to accept.
We believe God to be a personal God who knows each and every detail of our lives and desires to have our attention fixated on Him (Psalm 139:13-16). We believe that studying the Word of God together in an intimate setting such as the home, creates an opportunity to build trust, grow in relationships, willingness to engage in dialogue, strengthens and encourages us to live our faith on a daily basis while we are apart.
We believe small group meetings are so much more than just getting to know one another. We believe that discipleship happens in a small setting and it is the example of teaching and learning that Jesus gave while on earth. Jesus preached to crowds and read the Scrolls in the synagogue, but it was in the intimate meetings He had with His disciples that they learned about His character and how to love God and one another. In those intimate conversations, Jesus explained His actions in greater detail and taught His disciples how to live out their faith; empowered by the Holy Spirit.